
4 benefits of eLearning in the workplace

Benefit platforms

Wojciech Dochan

May 3, 2023

Is learning something new, just for the love of it, a valuable use of time for your employees?

There are all types of learning platforms out there - from workplace-specific training to financial education platforms, accredited courses and general Learning and Development platforms. A digital platform is a powerful format that can be adapted to any topic. 

But, why should employers care to invest in Learning and Development platforms that help their workers learn about topics that are not necessarily directly connected with their work? 

In this blog, we'll discuss three key general benefits of eLearning in the workplace, before addressing that question in particular. 

1. Easy Access - Convenience

The first benefit of eLearning is its flexibility and convenience. Traditional classroom learning often requires employees to take time off from work, which can be challenging, particularly for those with busy schedules. 

With online training platforms for employees, however, employees can access training materials from anywhere at any time, using their devices. This flexibility makes it easier for employees to complete their training around their regular work hours. 

2. Flexibility

Moreover, eLearning is self-paced, meaning employees can learn at their own speed. This personalised approach allows employees to revisit complex topics and spend more time on challenging areas. This level of flexibility is particularly beneficial for those with different learning styles and preferences, as it allows them to learn in a way that suits them best.

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3. Cost-Effective

Finally, one benefit of using learning and development websites in the workplace is their cost-effectiveness. Traditional classroom learning requires a significant investment in infrastructure, including training rooms, materials, and trainers. This investment can be substantial, and impossible for smaller organisations. 

ELearning, on the other hand, requires fewer resources, making it a more cost-effective option.

Elearning platforms can be customised to meet the specific needs of an organisation, providing targeted training that is both effective and efficient. 

Moreover, eLearning eliminates the need for travel and accommodation, reducing expenses associated with off-site training. This makes eLearning a more financially viable option for organisations of all sizes.

4. Invest in learning and increase productivity

And now to the specifics of our question. Does investing in an eLearning platform that allows your workers to learn about any topic they wish inherently add value to your company? 

The short answer is yes.

Psychologists have long agreed that the ability to choose helps us feel more in control. Giving your employees the choice of topic – one that aligns with their current interests – empowers them. And, although they might be learning about a topic that is completely disconnected from their work, what you’re really nurturing by facilitating access to these kinds of platforms is a love of learning and personal development in general.  

You want employees who are always looking to learn and grow because if that becomes instinctive it will inevitably impact all areas of an employee’s life and bleed into their work ethos too. You will then have an employee who naturally wants to develop professionally, grow within their role, and move things along in the business. This kind of “growth” mentality can have huge benefits for your business in the long run, improving employee engagement and increasing productivity. 

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Invest in a growth mentality

ELearning is transforming the way we learn in the workplace, offering significant benefits such as flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and improved knowledge retention. By adopting learning and development in the workplace, organisations can provide their employees with an engaging and personalised learning experience, leading to a more skilled and productive workforce. As technology continues to advance, we can expect ELearning to become even more integral to the workplace of the future.

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