
How to measure the success of your reward and recognition programme

Reward and recognition

Wojciech Dochan

June 17, 2024

Are your employee reward and recognition strategies boosting engagement and retention?

Studies show that 79% of employees who quit their jobs cite a lack of appreciation as a key reason. Ensuring your employee reward programmes are effective is more crucial than ever. 

But how do you measure their success and make the best changes without going over budget?

Read on to find out how you can measure the effectiveness of your employee reward and recognition programme and ensure it truly motivates and retains your top talent.

But first, what do we mean by employee reward programmes?

Employee reward programmes

Employee reward programmes are strategies aimed at boosting morale, enhancing engagement, and retaining top talent within an organisation. 

These programmes can include

  • Incentives, from monetary bonuses and gift cards 
  • Non-monetary recognitions like extra time off
  • Activities such as workshops
  • Products such as digital platforms that facilitate public praise and recognition

When effectively designed and implemented, employee reward programmes not only show appreciation for employees' hard work and dedication but also align their efforts with the company’s goals, fostering a motivated and committed workforce.

But how can you tell if your programme is hitting the mark?

Establish clear objectives

Before you can measure success, you need to define what success looks like for your business. Here are some key objectives to consider:

  • Employee Satisfaction: Are your employees happy with the rewards and recognition they receive?
  • Employee Engagement Scores: High engagement often correlates with effective reward programmes.
  • Retention Rates: Are you seeing a decrease in turnover rates? A drop in turnover rates can indicate that employees feel valued and recognised.
  • Performance Improvements: Are employees more motivated and productive? Look for improvements in performance metrics that can be attributed to increased motivation.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Are you getting a good return on investment for your reward and recognition programmes?
  • Participation Rates: Track how many employees are actively participating in your reward and recognition programmes.

Implement a constant feedback loop

A successful employee reward strategy requires ongoing evaluation and tweaking to make sure it continues to be relevant to your employees. This is where a constant feedback loop comes into play.

Here are 4 key steps to establishing a feedback loop:

Step1: Survey Your Employees 

Regularly ask your employees for their opinions on the current employee reward recognition initiatives. Anonymous surveys are a great way to gather honest feedback. You can create these easily using free tools such as Google Forms or Survey Monkey. 

Step 2: Hold Focus Groups

Engage in more in-depth discussions with a diverse group of employees to get detailed insights.

Step 3: Review Performance Data

Analyse performance metrics before and after implementing your reward programmes to gauge their impact.

Step 4: Gather Management Feedback

Managers can provide valuable insights into how reward systems are affecting team dynamics and productivity.

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Getting the most from your budget

Maximising the impact of your employee reward programmes within budget constraints is crucial. 

To achieve this, match your rewards to your employees’ preferences and values, which can be more cost-effective and appreciated than generic rewards. 

eGifting is a great way of achieving this. 

This handy employee benefit allows you to purchase an electronic voucher that is tailored to your staff’s hobbies and interests. The additional touch of personalisation can show an employee they are not just a cog in the machine, nor just a number on a spreadsheet.

Learn more.

Additionally, use non-monetary recognition like extra time off, or professional development opportunities, as these can be highly valued and cost-effective.

Finally, remember to regularly review the costs associated with your reward and recognition systems to ensure they are justified by the benefits they provide and look for opportunities to streamline expenses without sacrificing effectiveness.

How Bravo Benefits can help

At Bravo Benefits, our team of Success Managers is dedicated to helping you achieve the optimal provision for your employee reward programmes

We understand that every organisation is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs. Our experts will:

1. Assess your current programme

We start by evaluating your existing employee reward and recognition systems to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

2. Provide data-driven insights

Using the latest tools and methodologies, we analyse your data to provide actionable insights.

3. Recommend custom solutions

Based on our assessment, we recommend tailored solutions to enhance your employee reward recognition efforts.

4. Support ongoing adjustments

We help you establish a feedback loop and make continuous improvements to ensure your reward programmes remain effective and within budget.

Get a free demo of our Reward and Recognition platform today, and find out how it can help your business optimise your reward and recognition strategy.  

Continuous improvement for long-term success

Measuring the success of your employee reward and recognition programme is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. 

By establishing clear objectives and implementing a constant feedback loop you can ensure that your employee reward system continues to motivate and retain your top talent. 

Remember, the team at Bravo Benefits is here to help you every step of the way. Together, we can create a culture of recognition that drives your business forward.

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