
Why you need a recognition strategy for your workplace

Reward and recognition

Wojciech Dochan

April 22, 2024

Want to know the latest shocking statistic?

According to Gallup, 90% of employees are disengaged at work. Yes, that’s right, 90%. 

It’s time for businesses to take note.

Now we all know that keeping your employees engaged is crucial for the success of your business. 

While offering rewards and incentives might seem like the obvious solution, it's not always enough to truly motivate your workforce. 

What's needed is a deeper connection - an understanding that employees need to feel genuinely valued, recognised, and appreciated for their contributions. 

This is where having a robust recognition strategy comes into play.

The benefits of improving employee engagement

The benefits of improving employee engagement are numerous and well-documented. ​​Here are just a few:

  • An 18% increase in productivity
  • Higher job satisfaction
  • Better overall performance
  • Lower turnover rates
  • Greater innovation and creativity
  • Improved employee health and wellbeing
  • Better collaboration and teamwork

Understanding employee engagement strategies

To truly engage employees, organisations need to implement effective employee engagement strategies. 

These strategies should focus on building strong relationships between managers and employees, fostering a sense of purpose and belonging, and providing opportunities for growth and development.

Why rewards aren’t enough

While offering rewards and incentives can be part of an employee recognition strategy, moving beyond tokenistic gestures is essential. 

Employees can quickly become disillusioned if they feel that their efforts are not genuinely appreciated or if recognition feels insincere. 

Instead, businesses should focus on creating a culture of appreciation and recognition where acknowledgement is genuine, timely, and tailored to individual preferences.

Read on to find out how you can implement an effective employee engagement strategy. 

Implementing an effective employee engagement strategy

So, what does a robust recognition strategy entail? Here are some detailed steps to consider:

1. Identify key behaviours and contributions 

What would an engaged employee look like in your context? How would you spot them? 

Figure out the behaviours and contributions that would signal that an employee was engaging fully with your company's values and objectives. This could include exceeding performance targets, demonstrating leadership qualities, or going above and beyond to support colleagues. Whatever these qualities or behaviours are, list them.

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2. Develop a recognition strategy

Create a document where you describe the criteria that you are looking for, and decide how frequently you are going to acknowledge those who are meeting these criteria and who is going to decide. It might be you ask line managers to nominate someone once a month, or it might be that you decide you do it every time a major project comes to an end. Whatever the frequency, note the plan in your document. Share this with your team, so that everyone knows that this is going to happen. 

3. Decide how to acknowledge their accomplishments

Whether it's a simple thank-you email, a handwritten note, or public acknowledgement during team meetings, decide how the recognition will be delivered. 

4. Offer personalised recognition 

Recognise employees in ways that are meaningful to them. Take into account their preferences, interests, and work styles when acknowledging their contributions. Personalised recognition demonstrates that you value and appreciate each employee as an individual.

5. Encourage peer-to-peer recognition

Foster a culture of appreciation by encouraging peer-to-peer recognition among employees. Encourage team members to acknowledge and celebrate each other's achievements, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.

6. Integrate recognition into daily practices

Make recognition an integral part of your organisation's culture and daily practices. Incorporate recognition into team meetings, performance reviews, and other regular interactions to ensure that it becomes a natural and ongoing aspect of the workplace.

Let Bravo Benefits help

We believe that a robust recognition strategy can be elevated by including a central online space to deliver your rewards and appreciation. 

Our Reward and Recognition platform allows easy and enjoyable recognition of exceptional work, tying it back to core business values. 

Key features include setting values, personalising the platform with logos and branding, allocating monetary budgets for rewards, and enabling employees to give kudos to each other. 

You can even celebrate milestones like birthdays and long-service rewards while offering various awards such as employee of the month. 

Rewards come in the form of vouchers for a wide range of brands, and managers can also offer personalised perks. Find out more by getting a live demo and speaking to one of our consultants today. 

Engage your employees, reap the benefits

It's evident that businesses must prioritise strategies to engage employees.  While rewards and incentives have their place, true motivation stems from a deeper connection and recognition of individual contributions. Our Reward and Recognition platform offers a comprehensive solution, integrating recognition into daily practices, fostering gratitude, and reinforcing core values. By prioritising the wellness of your staff, you can reap the benefits of employee engagement, including enhanced productivity and performance. 

Discover the power of genuine recognition with Bravo Benefits today.

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